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yuuvis® Ultimate offers methods to generate renditions from uploaded documents (objects). With the methods available, you can render native files into PDFs, PNG thumbnails, plain text, or receive a summary of an object’s rendition information.
With yuuvis® Ultimate, you have different methods to get a rendition or rendition information via an document’s object ID.
This request returns a PDF rendition of the content of the object that matches the object ID you specified in the request.
Note: The returned PDF document cannot be displayed within the Azure portal. Please use another tool, such as Postman, to download the PDF rendition file.
This request returns a PNG rendition of the first page of the content of the object that matches the object ID you specified in the request. This PNG file is a small preview of the document. Its maximum dimensions are 256x256.
This request returns a text rendition of the content of the object that matches the object ID you specified in the request.
This request extracts and returns all metadata from the document (object) that matches the objectId you specified in the request.
Status Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
...while remaining compatible with the rendering and searching functionalities?
Rendering (rendition) relies on the TextExtractor service, which decides whether or not to create a rendition based on the suffix of a file (i.e. .txt files can be read and re-rendered, whereas .json files will be ignored). Full-text-searching for file contents also works for a limited variety of supported document formats by our content-analyzer service. It determines, based on the content structure, whether full text indexing is possible. The content-analyzer as well as the rendition service can theoretically be configured to accept additional content types ...
pdf: - '^(application/pdf)' text: - '^(text/plain)' - '^(text/csv)' email: - '^(application/vnd.ms-outlook)' - '^(message/rfc822)' office: - '^(application/vnd.ms-[^o])' - '^(application/vnd.visio)' - '^(application/vnd.openxmlformats)' - '^(application/rtf)$' - '^(application/ms)' html: - '^(text/html)' rtf: - '^(application/rtf)$'
The extraction service can read out XMP, EXIF and other data from media and Office files. This data is then mapped to OS tags and standardized.
Mapping to OS:Title |
Mapping to OS:Subject |
Mapping to OS:Keywords |
Mapping to OS:Comments |
Mapping to
OS:LastModifiedBy |
Mapping to OS:CreateDate |
Mapping to OS:ModifyDate |
Mapping to OS:PageCount |
Mapping to OS:ImageWidth |
Mapping to OS:ImageHeight |
Mapping to OS:Author |
Mapping to OS:CodePage |
Mapping to OS:Creator |
Mapping to OS:Description |
Mapping to OS:FileSize |
Mapping to OS:FileType |
Mapping to OS:MimeType |
Mapping to OS:ColorType |
Mapping to OS:Artist |
Mapping to
OS:BitsPerSample |
Mapping to OS:Compression |
Mapping to
OS:PhotometricInterpretation |
Mapping to OS:Orientation |
Mapping to OS:Copyright |
Mapping to OS:CameraLabel |
Mapping to OS:GPSVersionID |
Mapping to
OS:GPSLatitudeRef |
Mapping to OS:GPSLatitude |
Mapping to
OS:GPSLongitudeRef |
Mapping to
OS:GPSAltitudeRef |
Mapping to OS:GPSAltitude |
Mapping to OS:GPSTimeStamp |
Mapping to OS:GPSSatellites |
Mapping to OS:GPSStatus |
Mapping to
OS:GPSMeasureMode |
Mapping to OS:GPSDOP |
Mapping to OS:GPSSpeedRef |
Mapping to OS:GPSSpeed |
Mapping to OS:GPSTrackRef |
Mapping to OS:GPSTrack |
Mapping to
OS:GPSImgDirectionRef |
Mapping to
OS:GPSImgDirection |
Mapping to OS:GPSMapDatum |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestLatitudeRef |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestLatitude |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestLongitudeRef |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestLongitude |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestBearingRef |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestBearing |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestDistance |
Mapping to
OS:GPSProcessingMethod |
Mapping to
OS:GPSArealInformation |
Mapping to OS:GPSDateStamp
Mapping to
OS:GPSDifferential |
Mapping to
OS:GPSHPositioningError |
Mapping to
OS:GPSAreaInformation |
Mapping to
OS:GPSDestDistanceRef |
Mapping to OS:GPSLongitude
Mapping to OS:GPSDateTime |
Mapping to OS:Genre |
Mapping to OS:FrameRate |
Mapping to OS:AudioFormat |
Mapping to OS:Bitrate |
Mapping to OS:AudioBitrate |
Mapping to OS:Duration |
Mapping to
OS:VideoCompression |
Mapping to OS:AspectRatio |
Mapping to OS:AudioLayer |
Mapping to OS:SampleRate |
Mapping to OS:VideoBitrate
Mapping to OS:VideoEncoding |
Mapping to
OS:AudioSampleRate |
Mapping to OS:AudioEncoding |
Mapping to OS:Album |
Mapping to OS:Track |
Mapping to OS:Subject |
Mapping to OS:Title |
Mapping to OS:MailBody |
Mapping to OS:MailFrom |
Use OS:Subject for a mapping to the subject of an e-mail. If you change the subject of this e-mail in the client, this field makes sure that the change is applied. |
The OS:Title tag contains the title of the conversation. |
Mapping to OS:MailTo |
Mapping to OS:MailCc
Mapping to OS:MailBcc |
Mapping to OS:MimeType |
Mapping to OS:MailType |
Mapping to OS:MailDate |
Mapping to
OS:MailAttachments |
to OS:MailAttachmentsText |
Mapping to
OS:HasMailAttachments |
Mapping to OS:MessageId |
For the processing of .msg files, the mappings OS:MailFrom, OS:MailTo, OS:MailCc, OS:MailBcc support different formats. All necessary information is extracted from the msg to be able to describe the participating mailboxes in the following formats:
For the processing of .eml files, the above mentioned date are not prefilled and the next position is mapped (e.g., 'From' or 'Message-From').
The mapping is configured in the mapping.lst
file. You can add further metadata mappings by making
additional entries in the mapping.lst
file. The use of wildcards (*) is permitted. The mapping of
metadata follows the first-wins principle, i.e. when processing the metadata of media and Office files, for each OS
tag the value of the first matching metadata is transferred to the tag. A mapping of a single piece of metadata to
several OS tags can be achieved by making multiple entries for the respective tags.
OS tags can also contain information about the type (notation: [type]). The type can be either
double, string, date, boolean, integer
, or sequence
. For OS tags of type
, all entries mapped to this tag are linked together to a sequence of comma-separated values.
If no type is specified, the default type is NONE
. All resulting entries of OS tags are standardized,
if possible to do so by automation. I.e., number formats are changed according to the US-English notation, date
formats are changed to ISO 8601 notation {YYYY-MM-DD}T{hh:mm:ss} {±hh:mm}{Z}.
Mappings are also possible for invoices with attached ZUGFeRD data in XML format. These mappings are configured in
the zugferdmapping.lst file. XML elements to be mapped are defined using xPath expressions. XML values mapped to a
ZUGFeRD tag, begin with prefix “FERD:”. Similar to OS tags, the tags can contain type information. The same rules
apply. Multiple mappings are not permitted for FERD tags (except for type sequence
). If a multiple
mapping exists, no FERD tags are returned for the entire document, because otherwise important invoice data can be
lost. A multiple mapping results in an error code (FERD:ErrorCode
) and error description
) in the result JSON.